The Astro-Vani Blog

June 07, 2019

Move From Astrology to Spirituality

It's time to commit to improving yourself to spirituality. Read more here.
Posted by  Astro Vani       8 comments

August 17, 2018

Astrological and Ayurvedic Tips on Getting Pregnant

Astrological reasons that cause problems in conception.
Posted by  Astro Vani       1 comments

August 14, 2018

Have a Successful Day With These Tips

What to do when leaving home to go to work to keep the mind fit and to keep lady luck on our side?
Posted by  Astro Vani       1 comments

July 13, 2018

Effects of Solar Eclipse on all Astrological Signs

The partial solar eclipse today will have some effects on the planets that will shape our next 6 months. Here are the main points for each Moon sign.
Posted by  Astro Vani       0 comments

January 01, 2018

Predictions for 2018

The 2018 predictions for each Moon sign.
Posted by  Astro Vani       3 comments

January 01, 2017

Predictions for 2017

Know you future for the year 2017 based on your Moon sign.
Posted by  Astro Vani       0 comments

January 21, 2016

Predictions for 2016

Learn the general predictions for your Moon sign in 2016 and ways to overcome or at least mitigate any problems.
Posted by  Astro Vani       2 comments

December 30, 2015

How to Sound More Likable When Talking

Many people are good at saying even the worst of news in a manner that doesn't cause offense to any listener. While others are so bad at talking that no one wants to hear them speak. Why is that and what can be done to rectify one's way of speaking?
Posted by  Astro Vani        comments

December 10, 2015

Patches on the Skin

This article is about the patches on the skin that darken or cause an odd shade to the skin in some way. These are not birthmarks or due to sun damage, rather they are unexplained discoloration of the skin.
Posted by  Astro Vani        comments

November 05, 2015


Nakshatras are a good way to know oneself and to maximize one's potential in life. Also, nakshatras and their associated trees are a wonderful and magical remedy in case of illnesses. We are always amazed at the power of nature and the wealth of knowledge our ancestors had. Hope you will find just as amazing and benefit from this knowledge as well.
Posted by  Astro Vani       1 comments

March 18, 2015

Astrological Reasons and Remedies for Illnesses

Learn the general causes of diseases and some general recommendations that astrology/ayurveda provide to keep yourself healthy.
Posted by  Astro Vani       4 comments

February 18, 2015

Overcome Problems Related to Your Job With Some Astrological Help

In this post, learn how you can improve your chances of getting a job as well as zodiac-wise details of the problems faced at work and some remedies to overcome any problems.
Posted by  Astro Vani        comments

December 15, 2014

The Best Career Options for Each Zodiac Sign

One's work brings one self-confidence along with bringing in a source of income. Hence, it's important to understand the best career choices based on one's astrological sign.
Posted by  Astro Vani       1 comments

December 12, 2014

Astrology/Jyotish - Understand it Better!

This article speaks to the people who have some misconceptions about astrology. There's no bad astrology - it's bad astrologers who have not studied properly and are out to make money by fooling others.
Posted by  Astro Vani       0 comments

November 17, 2014

Sun's Movement Into Scorpio

Sun has moved into Scorpio on the 16th of November. Below are based on your Moon sign, but if you do not know your Moon sign, you can also use the zodiac sign based on the first letter of your name.
Posted by  Astro Vani       0 comments

November 05, 2014

Kartik Poornima - what should you do?

Kartik Poornima is tomorrow. It's a very special day to do many remedies. Learn some of them in this post.
Posted by  Astro Vani       0 comments

November 03, 2014

Shani/Saturn's Move Into Scorpio Until 2017

Shani has moved into Scorpio and will be there until October 2017. This major change that happened on November 2nd has been affecting all us for the last few weeks and will continue its effect for the coming 3 years during the different phases of Saturn. Learn the effects on each sign in this post.
Posted by  Astro Vani       0 comments

October 22, 2014

Are You Eating Astrologically Correct Food?

Learn about the connection between food and astrology and some foods to avoid based on each Moon sign.
Posted by  Astro Vani       1 comments

October 06, 2014

Overcome Problems With The Help of Yantras

Learn how to activate and use some specific yantras to get rid of problems related to job, business, marriage, jealousy, property, etc.
Posted by  Astro Vani        comments

October 03, 2014

Vijayadashami - an extraordinary day

Learn the importance of Vijayadashami and some special remedies and mantras you can start today.
Posted by  Astro Vani       1 comments

Move From Astrology to Spirituality by Astro Vani  on  June 07
Have a Successful Day With These Tips by Astro Vani  on  August 14
Predictions for 2018 by Astro Vani  on  January 01

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