Thumb Sucking Habit - how to stop it?

November 04, 2013

Many children and in some cases even adults have the habit of putting their thumb in their mouths.

It can cause distortion of the thumb's anatomy and can cause bacteria to enter the body, so it's important to get rid of this problem. Never humiliate the person who has this problem - instead, learn how to fix this issue.

In very small children, the problem can be attributed to them feeling hungry as they feel they can fill their stomach through sucking their food (as the saliva goes into their body), for older kids and adults some possible reasons are listed below.

Reasons for sucking the thumb:

Mostly children who are not so active will indulge in thumb sucking - you won't find many active kids indulging in such behavior.

People who have a lot of anxiety also have a habit of putting their thumb in their mouth - this will happepn without them like a natural reaction of the body where it may not be a voluntary movement.

Children who feel more hungry can also have the habit of sucking their thumb.

Another thing that makes children suck their thumb is their thought process - if they think too much about things.

Astrological reasons:

Whoever's Moon is depressed on the palm or in the birth-chart - causes one to suck on the thumb when they're anxious, worried, in stress, before getting angry, or in their free time.

What to do:

Give emotional support to such children 

Make sure the child doesn't feel lonely

Give the children something to do

Such a person should wear silver

Have the kids ingest some dalchini with water

Give them some amla to eat in any form at any time of the day

Massage the head and put oil in the belly button

Ask the child/person to walk fast

Play with the kids and understand them to get rid of the child's loneliness


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